Usage policy

How this website works

We’ve done our best to reduce and simplify our site rules. Therefore, we have separated the most important points for you below, which can also be read in a very complete and detailed way in our Terms of Use.

In addition, we are always available to answer any questions you may have by emailing, or by phone and WhatsApp (11) 5581-3002.

1) What do we do?

Our website is institutional and aims to present the services provided by INTERMIDIA NETWORKS.

INTERMIDIA NETWORKS provides several services, including: the creation of integrated environments between companies, the installation of Microsoft Office 365 applications, IT consultancy for companies of all sizes, process optimization and cloud data security. We are not Microsoft developers and are not responsible for the company’s technology, we are only accredited and install applications.

2) How does our website work?

Visitors can access our website, find out the main services we offer and, if they wish, contact us for a quote.

3) Is the use of our website paid?

The Visitor will be able to browse the website for free. However, you must pay amounts to hire our services, which will be exposed and agreed in advance by the parties.

4) Can these conditions be changed? ?

Our Terms of Use may change, but you can always access the most up-to-date version on our website. Furthermore, if we are going to take any action that the law requires your authorization, you will receive prior notice so you can accept or refuse.

5)  What happens to personal data?

We have a Privacy Policy and its Terms that deal with what we do with your personal data. It is very important that you read and understand this document too!

6) What is the content of the Terms of Use?

The following Terms of Use are divided as follows to facilitate your access to information:

  • a) Date of Availability of the Text;
  • b) Explanation of Technical Terms or in a Foreign Language;
  • c) Services;
  • d) Website Use and Payment Conditions;
  • e) Exemption from Liability of INTERMIDIA NETWORKS;
  • f) Rules of Conduct and Prohibitions;
  • g) Intellectual Property;
  • h) Processing of Personal Data, Privacy and Security;
  • i) Developments in Access to the Site;
  • j) Changes to the Terms and Conditions of Use;
  • k) Applicable Law and the Election Forum;
  • l) Contact Channel.